Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Daun, Burung, Lalala

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Daun-daun, berguguran tinggalkan tangkainya
Burung kecil, berterbangan tinggalkan sarangnya
Jauh-jauh, ke langit biru

No one is destined to be alone (Jaguar D Saul in One Piece).

World is a very large place, no matter who you are, you were not born to be alone. Once upon a time everyone definitely felt alone, it is normal. But that condition will not occur in a whole life, someday in the future there will be true friend who always there to share and to live a good or bad life together.
In my life I've found those who deserve to be called "friends" or maybe more. one of them is a group of badass people, a group of underground organization named Lalala. This group consists of eleven persons of young engineers who studied in Yogyakarta, a special region in Indonesia. Namely Me, Alif (mbah gepenk), Agas (onion head, immature), Shofi (gombong's original product), Ira (cilacap ngapax management), Randy (the destroyer), Tika (from a super faraway lost regency), Bhara (the flower of kebumen), Dika (mr. jet), Wisnu (the diet master), Raychan (Arabian rhapsody).
I found them in my study in this awesome city, as a proof of Imam syafi'i's words. He said that a young man must travel, and do not worry because you will get new family in the travel, and I found them.
I'm not sure how was the first time we got together, but since then we almost never separated. We're not always belonging at one place every time, just mostly, but one thing that we are always a group till the end. Many said that a true friend is difficult to find, hard to keep, impossible to forget, yet we're not only friends, we are family with different blood line.
Now, all of us had been graduated from our university, since we came from various region and also we have various different dreams, we have to go our own way. We have to go different ways, but still, lalala is one of the best never last. Leaving doesn't mean forgetting, we just go different ways but sure will end up together in one final destination.
We are like leaves, fallen from stalk
We are like birds, flying away leaving the nest
But this is not the end...... to be continued

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